Case Study – Gisborne District Council Wastewater Treatment Plant stage 2 upgrade

Gisborne Wastewater Treatment Plant Stage 2 upgrade allows the incoming sewage to be treated such that the discharge continuously complies with council consent regulations

Project Scope

The upgrades completed at the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Gisborne required us to automate the continuous process of treating the wastewater and removing the solids such that the treated water discharged from the plant has minimal environmental effects. The solution did not only have to be incredibly reliable, but also able to be run over night without any site presence.


The CR Automation Solution

CR Automation provided electrical design, software development, commissioning, and support.

The control system comprises of a wide range of processes and vendor packages including: Flow management, clarification, sludge removal, storage, polymer dosing, dewatering, Filtration, UV Treatment, sampling, and services.

The control system integrates the entire plant with an intuitive custom SCADA interface built with Wonderware's ArchestrA System Platform on virtualised servers. The operator utilises the SCADA system either on site or remotely to monitor the site, ensuring that the discharge from the plant complies with council consent.

The results

Gisborne Wastewater Treatment Plant have a state-of-the-art facility where the degree of automation is so sophisticated and intuitive, the plant operates 24/7 by three people and requires no site presence overnight. The SCADA can be accessed by operators and management remotely for monitoring purposes and reports are delivered automatically.